All Saints

All Saints

Church of England Primary School

Together we Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve

Tamar Way, Didcot, Oxon OX11 7LH

01235 819143

Christian Distinctiveness

Christian Values

Archbishop Dr Rowan Williams describes a school’s Christian Values as:

‘What is distinctive about a Christian based school. It’s something to do with ethos atmosphere and the way in which people feel valued.’

At our school our Christian values underpin all that we do, are integral in the life of our school and are firmly rooted in the Bible.

At All Saints every child and adult is accepted, valued and recognised as unique. We are a community where together we care for each other, help each other learn and are nurtured and supported as we grow. Our Christian values place Christ at the centre of our school and enable us to provide a safe, loving place where together we ‘Aspire, Explore, Believe and Achieve.

Please click on the link below for more information on each value.

Faith Peace
Hope Thankfulness



As a school we value our links with All Saints Church, each year children and families from different year groups are invited to attend services at the church to celebrate key events in the Christian calendar such as Christingle, Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday and Pentecost. We also have strong links with the Ladygrove Church that meets in our building. The minister Reverend Hugh Boorman regularly leads whole school worship, runs a lunchtime club ‘What’s in the Bible?’ and comes into school to support RE.  Please see the links below to find out more.

 All Saints' Church, Didcot

 The Ladygrove Church, Didcot

 Ladygrove Messy Church


The ‘Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools’ follows a timetable which is independent of Ofsted and based on a five-year cycle. The principal objective of the inspection is to address the question:

‘How effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?’

To do this the inspection looks at seven strands:

  1. Vision and Leadership
  2. Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills
  3. Character Development: Hope, Aspiration and Courageous Advocacy
  4. Community and Living Well Together
  5. Dignity and Respect
  6. The impact of collective worship
  7. The effectiveness of religious education


 Our last SIAMS inspection was in April 2017, you can read the report here.


Link to the Diocese of Oxford

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