All Saints

All Saints

Church of England Primary School

Together we Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve

Tamar Way, Didcot, Oxon OX11 7LH

01235 819143

School Uniform

Uniform/Dress Code

The Staff and Governors of the school are justifiably proud of All Saints and expect pupils to share their pride in the uniform they wear. When parents accept a place at the school for their child it is expected that they will fully support the agreed policy on school uniform.


The colours of the uniform are green and yellow.

  • Grey/black trousers, shorts or skirt
  • Green sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Yellow polo shirt
  • Sensible Black Footwear
  • Wellies (EYFS and Year 1)


In the summer term, a yellow and white or green and white check dress may be worn. Children may continue to wear winter uniform during the summer.


Sweatshirts, cardigans, and yellow polo shirts which are embroidered with the school logo can be purchased from the school office. Other items can be bought directly from Trutex in Didcot or local supermarkets.


We would like you to ensure that all items of clothing including wellington boots are marked with the child's name.


Each child will need with them, daily:

  • a water bottle
  • lunch box for sandwiches, if appropriate


Children need a book bag or small rucksack, which they need to bring to school every day. Please make sure it is clearly labelled. Children will be given a reading folder/reading book which should be brought into school and taken home daily in their book bag/rucksack.


P.E. Kit

On PE days, children attend school in their PE kit. This consists of:

  • white t-shirt
  • black shorts or jogging trousers
  • plain black hoody
  • trainers.


It is compulsory to have hair tied back for PE (spare hair ties are always held at the School Office). Children also need to have their earrings removed. Staff members are unable to support children in removing earrings.


Forest Learning

On Forest Learning days in Nursery and Reception, children should come in their Forest Learning clothes of a long sleeved top and trousers that it doesn’t matter if they get dirty or wet. Children also need to bring in wellies and waterproofs in a bag on these days.

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