All Saints

All Saints

Church of England Primary School

Together we Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve

Tamar Way, Didcot, Oxon OX11 7LH

01235 819143

School Meals

Nourishing school lunches are cooked on site by a team of staff employed By Edwards & Ward Limited. A menu is sent each season (usually October and April), and children may buy a lunch as little or as often as they wish. The cost of lunch is £2.30 per day.  All food is sourced locally and cooked freshly on site.

Summer 2024 Menu

Nutritional Info can found here

The Menu may change to meet local preferences.

Catering managed by Ridgeway Education Trust from September 2024
We are pleased to announce that catering will move ‘in-house’ from September 2024. Supported by Ridgeway Education Trusts’ Executive Head Chef Tim Gills and Laura Jones Catering Operational Manager, Lisa Roberts and her team are looking forward to the new school year as a part of the All Saints team. We feel this move will provide us with more control to ensure our school lunches provide a nutritious filling meal that our children will enjoy. This move will also give us more control as costs rise to ensure the school lunches remain as cost effective as possible.

Autumn 2024 Term 1 Menu 

Special Diets

All Saints are committed to provide meals for children needing special diets for medical and cultural reasons, where possible.  Please let us know if your child requires a special diet.

Universal Infant Free School Meals

The universal infant free school meals policy, launched in September 2014, entitles every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to a free lunch at school every day. 

If you are not yet taking up this offer - or indeed if your child is in Years 3 - 6 and not having school lunches, you may be interested in reading this article from The Independent School Food Plan


Lunch Orders

Please ensure that your child's lunch is ordered via School Gateway by 8:00am on the day it is required.

Lunch Payments

Lunch payments should be made online via School Gateway.

Packed Lunches

If you provide your children with packed lunches, please ensure that the lunches are healthy – no sweets or fizzy drinks please.   We are a nut free school so please do not include any nuts or products containing nuts in your child's lunch box. 

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