All Saints

All Saints

Church of England Primary School

Together we Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve

Tamar Way, Didcot, Oxon OX11 7LH

01235 819143

Year 4

Meet the team

Our Year 4 teachers are Miss Parren, Mrs Bristow and Mrs Slatter.

Our Teaching Assistants for Year 4 are Mrs Hartley-James and Mrs Brower.

Kingswood Photo Videos

Miss Brittain's group

Mrs Bristow's group

Mrs Slatter's group

curriculum plans

Click here to view Term 1 plans




Year 4 News

Click on the link below to see what we have been doing.

Stone Age Meets the Children Around the World

keeping parents informed

Each term we send letters home packed with information.  If you think you might have missed a letter then check out the LETTERS HOME page to see what has been sent.  We also have a detailed CALENDAR for events and activities.

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